Nashik is one of the most important cities of Northern Maharashtra. Nashik, in Maharashtra, is situated at a distance of 200 km from Mumbai (Bombay) as well as Pune. The city has become the center of attraction because of its beautiful surroundings and cool and pleasant climate. Nashik has a personality of its own due to its mythological, historical, social and cultural importance. The city, vibrant and active on the industrial, technological, political, social and cultural fronts, has influenced the lives of many a great personalities. The river Godavari flows through the city. Temples and ghats on the banks of Godavari have made Nashik one of the holiest places for Hindus all over the World.
To share the activities of such a dynamic place with the people of the world, we are proud to present the First official Website on Nashik : Nashik on the Net ( . was first ever website of the city way back in 90's. More than a decade this website has gain immense popularity within Non Resident Nashikites.